In the Khandav forest, this was settled in such a way that Indraprastha and Pandavas were given amazing weapon

When between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, when the division of the state was divided, Dhritarashtra gave calm to the Pandavas for some time by giving a forest named Khandavprastha on the recommendation of Mama Shakuni. Now before the Pandavas, the challenge was to make that forest a city. On the bank of Yamuna was a rugged forest, named Khandav forest. Earlier this town used to be a city, then the city was destroyed and its ruins were left. The forest was built around the ruins. This is a fascinating story to turn this forest into a city again.

Lord Krishna takes Arjuna to Khandav forest and there he shows that forest ruins there. Arjun asked, "How will we make it our capital?" Then Sri Krishna calls for Vishwakarma. Vishwakarma reappears and says, Lord, this city was settled in the desert, which has been ruined today. Myasur knows the rallies of this place, why not you ask him to make the capital?
Then Lord Krishna says, Where can you find Mysore right now? Then Vishwakarma remembers Myasur, they appear and ask, "Lord, why did you miss me?" Then Vishwakarma says that they are Sri Krishna and Arjuna and they want to build a city here. Myasur is overwhelmed by this and he takes Sri Krishna, Arjuna and Vishwakarma into a ruin. There would be a chariot in the ruins.

Myasur says that O Krishna, this golden chariot is the chariot of Maharaja Som of the anterior. It is capable of taking you to your desired place .... There is a mace in the chariot, which, while showing, Myasur says that it is the mausoleum of the Kaumud, which no one can raise except Lord Pandey's son Bhima. The power of its striking is amazing. After showing the mace, Myasur says that it is a Gandhvi bow. This is a wonderful and divine bow. It was derived from the worship of Lord Shankar by Darius Raj Vrishaparva.
Lord Krishna, raising that bow and giving Arjuna, says that on this divine bow you will be able to make the divine arrows. After this, Majurus gives Arjuna a renewed argument and says that its arrows never end. It was given to the goddess by himself by Agnidev. Meanwhile Vishwakarma says that from today onwards you have become the official of this property, Pandu Putra. In the end Sri Krishna says that Mayasur, we can not redeem your grace, but we promise that whenever you remember us in the crisis period, then Arjun and me will be there immediately. Miyasur is pleased to hear this. Later, Vishwakarma and Mysore work together to create Indraprastha Nagar.

Indraprastha's name was kept on Lord Indra, because this city was settled like the paradise of Indra. Lord Krishna had asked Vishwakarma to build a great city like Lord Indra's paradise. Vishwakarma had built beautiful and beautiful gardens and roads in this city, so Mayasur made a grand palace in this state to make a confusing Mahayana.
Indraprastha: In this way Indraprastha, which was previously Khandavaprastha, was built for Pandav sons. This city was very strange. Especially the Pandavas' castle was made like a saga. Like the Dwarka, the munman and Lord Vishwakarma had made tireless efforts in the construction work of this city, due to which it was possible.

When the relationship between Pandavas and his cousin Kurus deteriorated then Dhritarashtra, the father of the Kauravas, gave the Pandavas an area of the Yamuna along the Khandavaprastha. There they built a city surrounded by pits of reservoirs and made its defensive ramparts.
According to Dhritarashtra, Pandavas left from Hastinapur. With the assurance of half the state, they removed the forests of Khandwastra. After that, Pandavas beautified the city with the help of the Maya monk with Shrikrishna. That city became like a second paradise From here the capital of Duryodhana remained in Hastinapur, just 45 miles away.

Today, what we call 'Delhi', it was the same Indraprastha in ancient times. By reading these sentences on the Shilpattas in place of the old fort of Delhi, the question arises, Where is the Pandavas' capital, Indraprastha? On the basis of the remains found in excavation, a large section of archaeologists believe that the capital of Pandavas will be on this site. Here the remains of such utensils are found in excavations, which are also found in other places connected with Mahabharata. A record of Sanskrit records of 1328 AD has been received from Sarwal village situated in Delhi. This record is present in the Museum of the Red Fort. It is mentioned in this record that this village is located in Indraprastha district.

칸다브 숲에서, 이것은 인드라프라사와 판다바에게 놀라운 무기가 주어지도록 정착되었다.
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카우라바족과 판다바족 사이에서 국가의 분열이 일어나자 드리타라슈트라는 샤쿠니 마마의 추천으로 칸다브프라사라는 숲을 주면서 한동안 판다바족에게 평정을 주었다. 판다바 이전에, 도전은 숲을 도시로 만드는 것이었습니다. 야무나의 둑에는 칸다브 숲이라는 이름의 험준한 숲이 있었다. 일찍이 이 마을은 도시였지만, 도시는 파괴되었고 폐허가 되었다. 숲은 폐허 주변에 조성되었다. 이것은 이 숲을 다시 도시로 바꾸는 매혹적인 이야기이다.
크리슈나 경은 아르주나를 칸다브 숲으로 데리고 가서 그곳에서 숲이 폐허가 되었다는 것을 보여준다. 아르준은 "어떻게 우리의 수도로 만들 것인가?"라고 물었다. 그러자 스리 크리슈나는 비슈와카르마를 부른다. 비슈와카르마가 다시 나타나 말하기를, 주님, 이 도시는 오늘날 폐허가 된 사막에 정착하였습니다. 마야수르는 이곳의 집회를 알고 있으니 수도를 만들어 달라고 부탁해 보는 게 어때?
그러자 크리슈나 경은 "지금 마이소르를 어디서 찾을 수 있나요? 비슈와카르마는 먀수르를 기억하고, 그들이 나타나서 물었다. `주님, 왜 저를 그리워하셨습니까?' 그러자 비슈와카르마는 그들이 스리 크리슈나와 아르주나이며 여기에 도시를 건설하고 싶다고 말한다. 먀수르는 이에 압도되어 스리 크리슈나, 아르주나, 비슈와카르마를 파멸로 몰고 간다. 폐허 속에 전차가 있을 것이다.
먀수르는 크리슈나여, 이 황금 전차는 전방의 마하라자 솜의 전차라고 말한다. 그것은 당신이 원하는 장소로 데려다 줄 수 있다. 전차 안에는 메이스가 있는데, 마이아수르는 보여주면서 판디 영주의 아들 비마 외에는 아무도 기를 수 없는 카우무드의 무덤이라고 말한다. 그것의 공격력은 놀랍다. 메이스를 보여준 후, 먀수르는 그것이 간디 활이라고 말한다. 이것은 멋지고 신성한 활이다. 그것은 다리우스 라즈 브리샤파르바가 샹카르 경을 숭배한 것에서 유래되었다.
크리슈나 경은 그 활을 들고 아르주나에게 주면서, 이 신성한 활 위에서 신성한 화살을 만들 수 있을 것이라고 말한다. 그 후, 마주루스는 아르주나에게 새로운 주장을 제시하고 그 화살은 결코 끝나지 않는다고 말한다. 그것은 아그니데프에 의해 여신에게 직접 주어졌다. 한편 비슈와카르마는 오늘부터 당신이 이 땅의 관리인 판두 푸트라가 되었다고 말한다. 결국 스리 크리슈나는 마야수르가 당신의 은혜를 갚을 수 없다고 말하지만, 우리는 당신이 위기의 시기에 우리를 기억할 때마다 아르준과 나는 즉시 그곳에 갈 것을 약속한다. 미야수르는 이 말을 듣고 기뻐했다. 나중에 비슈와카르마와 마이소르는 인드라프라사 나가르를 만들기 위해 협력한다.
인드라프라사의 이름은 인드라 경에게 그대로 남겨졌는데, 이 도시가 인드라의 낙원처럼 자리잡고 있었기 때문이다. 크리슈나 경은 비슈와카르마에게 인드라 경의 낙원과 같은 위대한 도시를 건설해 줄 것을 요청했었다. 비슈와카르마는 이 도시에 아름답고 아름다운 정원과 도로를 지었기 때문에 마야수르는 혼란스러운 마하야나를 만들기 위해 이 주에 대궐을 만들었다.
인드라프라사: 이와 같이 하여, 이전에 칸다바프라사였던 인드라프라사는 판다브 아들들을 위해 지어졌다. 이 도시는 매우 이상했다. 특히 판다바의 성은 전설처럼 만들어졌다. 드와르카족과 마찬가지로, 문인과 비슈와카르마 영주는 이 도시의 건설 작업에 지칠 줄 모르는 노력을 기울였고, 그 덕분에 가능했다.
판다바와 그의 사촌 쿠루스 사이의 관계가 악화되자 카우라바의 아버지인 드리타라슈트라는 판다바에게 칸다바프라사를 따라 있는 야무나 지역을 주었다. 그곳에서 그들은 저수지의 구덩이로 둘러싸인 도시를 건설하고 방어 성벽을 만들었다.
드리타라슈트라에 따르면, 판다바스는 하스티나푸르에서 떠났다. 주의 절반을 보장받은 그들은 칸드와스트라의 숲을 없앴다. 이후 판다바스는 슈리크리슈나와 함께 마야 수도승의 도움을 받아 도시를 아름답게 꾸몄다. 그 도시는 제2의 낙원처럼 되었다. 여기서부터 두료다나의 수도는 단지 45마일 떨어진 헤스티나푸르에 남아있었다.
오늘날, 우리가 '델리'라고 부르는 것은 고대에 같은 인드라프라사였다. 델리의 오래된 요새 대신 실파타스에 대한 이 문장들을 읽음으로써, 질문이 발생한다. "판다바스의 수도인 인드라프라사는 어디에 있는가?" 발굴에서 발견된 유해들을 근거로, 많은 고고학자들은 판다바의 수도가 이 장소에 있을 것이라고 믿는다. 이곳에서 이러한 도구들의 유적은 발굴에서 발견되며, 마하바라타와 관련된 다른 장소에서도 발견된다. 서기 1328년의 산스크리트어 기록은 델리에 위치한 사르왈 마을에서 전해지고 있다. 이 기록은 레드 포트 박물관에 있다. 이 기록에는 이 마을이 인드라프라사 지역에 위치해 있다고 언급되어 있다.
아주 짧은 시간
According to Mahabharata, Indraprastha was the capital of the kingdom led by the Pandava. The Demon Maya, built the city and the palace of Indraprastha for the Pandavas. The area for the palace was created by clearing the forests of Khandava by Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Pandavas also built other cities like Swarnaprastha (modern-day Sonipat) and Panaprastha (Panipat) in their province.
The exact location of Indraprastha is uncertain but Delhi is thought by some to be located at the site of the legendary city of Indraprastha. Although there is not much physical evidence about the city but locals did claim that there existed a huge mound (which could have contained the remains of the city) upon which the Mughals built the Purana Qila (Old Fort). The fact that until 1913 there was a village within the fort called Indrapat gives credence to the belief that Purana Qila was built on the ruins of Indraprastha.
The ruins of this fort are located on a small hill which once stood on the banks of the Yamuna river. It is where Humayun‘s capital Din Panah was located. The Purana Qila was constructed by Sher Shah Suri between 1538 to 1545.

The ASI’s excavation at Purana Qila in New Delhi – Image Source
In historical times, human settlements were always made closest to a river bank or source of water. The excavation spot at Purana Qila has been identified because of its proximity to the original flow of the Yamuna, so archaeologists are confident of finding evidence.
The ongoing excavation at the Purana Qila site might lead to discovery of concrete evidence that will help in studying the culture and art patronised by the Pandavas. The clue that Archaeological Survey of India’s members are looking for to establish the link is painted grey ware PGW. It is grey pottery painted with geometric patterns in black that archeologists associate with the Mahabharata period. Similar stuff has been noticed in other sites associated with the epic Mahabharata as well. If the ASI is successful in finding painted grey wares from the Mahabharata period, it will prove the existence of the city of Pandavas.

A 12th Century Vishnu idol found during the excavation. – Image Source
“There is a possibility that once we excavate further will find some evidence. In the first excavation in 1954, painted grey wares were discovered. However, the wares were not found in stratified deposit. If they were found in stratified deposit, we could support that there were traces of the Mahabharata period,” said Vasant Swarnkar, superintending archaeologist of ASI.
The Purana Qila mound contains remains of a continuous cultural habitation starting from Mauryan period (3rd century BC) to the Mughal through Sunga, Kushana, Gupta, Rajput and Sultanate periods. The archaeologists has discovered artefacts from all the eras which includes a rare 12th century sculpture of Vishnu, a terracotta seal from the Gupta period, pottery typical of the Kushan and Gupta periods, structures from the Rajput and Kushan periods, copper coins, terracotta human figurines, beads made of semi-precious stones and glass, ear studs of terracotta and charred wheat and rice grains. Latest findings included an ivory pendant, human figurines, a Gajlakshmi tablet and objects from the Mauryan period. The Archaeological Survey of India has also discovered a Mauryan Period ring well 4.4 metres below the earth.
Opened after a span of 40 years, the Archaeological Survey of India has carried out an excavation here since February this year. This was the third and largest excavation in Purana Qila after the one ASI did in 1955 and in 1969- 73. Due to Monsoon The Archaeological Survey of India has put excavations at Purana Qila on hold till November.
The ASI also hopes that it will also be able to convince the government to declare Delhi a World Heritage City.
References: India Today and The Hindu
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